Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Going Batty Over Aluminum Bats

by Coach Bobby B

There are grass roots efforts in some states to remove the aluminum bat from Youth Basebal Leagues. Recently, a boy in New Jersey was incapacitated by a line drive that struck him in the chest, causing cardiac arrest. He's alive but has severe problems because of lack of oxygen to the brain for an extended period of time. The parents are suing the maker of the bat and the store that sold it.

Now a grass roots effort is gaining momentum in New Jersey to have the aluminum bat eliminated from the Youth Baseball world. Their argument is that the aluminum bats are too dangerous.

As a youth baseball coach in New Jersey I can understand the proponents of the effort to ban the aluminum bats. But is banning the aluminum bat a solution?

How about a change of strategy. Why not get Little League and Youth League officials to pressure the aluminum bat makers to deaden the aluminum bat. To make them react more like a wooden bat.

You see, the problem with aluminum bats is most of the bat is a sweet spot. The companies even trumpet this aspect in their marketing campaigns. The bigger the sweet spot the more chances there are of a serious injury or death occurring.

Do you think banning aluminum bats will stop tragic deaths in youth baseball. What happens if deaths occur with only wood bats. What then? Do we ban Youth Baseball leagues altogether for the YOUTH WIFFLE BALL LEAGUE .

Come on folks be realistic!

About the Author
Coach Bobby B is a youth baseball coach in northern new jersey who stresses baseball fundamentals to his players - Respect, hustle and most important - have fun!

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